Crisis Links & Resources
Dial 988 for 24/7 suicide helpline Canada-wide
Distress Centre of Toronto: 416-408-4357
Gerstein Crisis Centre: 416-929-5200
Assaulted Women’s Help Line: 416-863-0511
Toronto Rape Crisis Centre/Multicultural Women Against Rape: 416-597-8808
Women’s Health in Women’s Hands: 1-416-593-7655
LAMP Community Health Centre: 1-416-252-6471
TAIBU Community Health Centre: 1-416-644-3536
Youth Line for LGBTQ+ youth 26 and under: 1-800-268-9688
Suicide and Crisis Hotline (Canada Wide): 1-800-448-3000
Mental Health Crisis Line (Canada Wide): 1-888-893-8333
Other Helpful Resources
Feelings are hard to locate sometimes. Here’s a helpful visual to help.